Personal Development and Inspirations

Vision – The Criteria for success


Successful people seem to have one thing in common. They have vision. They know what they want and nothing can stop them from creating their reality. They set daily, weekly and monthly goals – little stepping stones that bring them closer to their vision; their dream.

Goals encourage determination and challenge the will to achieve something within a specific timeframe. Once the goal is reached, then bigger goals can be set. Successful people don’t focus on ‘how will I get there’. They focus on the end results. They keep the bigger goal in front of them, and continue working towards it one step at a time.

To achieve success, think about what it means to you. What do you want in life, in your relationships, in your career? If you don’t know end result, how can you make a plan to get there? Envision yourself in your ideal situation. Think about it, feel it and start taking the steps to get there. We all have the ability to create a better life or achieve something great, we just have to know which direction to take to create it.

Personal Development and Inspirations, Working From Home

Being Productive With Your Time

It’s hard to stay organized when you’re juggling so many things at once, as many of us do. So if you’re venturing into a home business, as well as working a j-o-b and taking care of a family, it can be a bit overwhelming to say the least. 

With a little organization and dedication, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your work day:

1.  Make a schedule and stick to it.  If you fall behind one day, don’t worry.  Things do come up. Try to make up time the following day or later that week. 

2. Setting goals are a great way to motivate yourself.  Be realistic and revise them as needed.  Make sure you have daily, short term and long-term goals to keep you on track, and put them where you will see them every day.

3. Keep your desk tidy.  When my desk is a mess, I want to be as far away from it as possible, which is definitely not good for business.  It also makes your workspace so much more inviting when you’re ready to start the following day.

4. Always carry a bag of promotional material with you.  As you go about your daily errands, leave business cards, flyers and sticky notes concerning your business around town.  People often hold on to these things for a while, so don’t be disheartened if the phone isn’t ringing immediately.  Be consistent!

5. If you have young children, encourage them to pick up their toys or make their own beds etc.  A great way to do this is by using positive reinforcement.  Try reward charts or a trip to the dollar store, etc. This will give you more time to do the things you need to do. You can also get them involved in helping you with small tasks related to your business. Be creative!

6. Return emails and place ads whenever you have a few minutes to spare.  With the copy and paste feature, most only take a few minutes at a time.

7. Send a quick note to a customer or business partner, or jump on a networking site and socialize.

8. Listen to a training call while you’re printing out materials.

9.  Do a little networking while you’re in line at the grocery store, soccer game or just waiting for  your lunch order.  It’s a great way to build your business locally.

10. Return a few phone calls.  Most only take a few minutes. And most importantly, have fun with your business.

Julie N. Lawrence

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share it.  Make it a great day!

Working From Home

The Power of Self Discipline

Self discipline means acting according to what needs to be done, instead of how you feel. Used in business and every- day life, this is what will help you reach your goals. It is a habit, a philosophy and a way of living. Of all the principles for success, self discipline is the one which holds the most value, and will ultimately determine the direction of your future.

Successful people plan their work. They make a schedule and stick to it. They set goals and put forth continuous efforts to achieve them. Undisciplined people lack control and frequently fall into bad work habits, overindulgences and debt.

An American study found that a school pupil’s self discipline is a stronger predictor of future academic success than their IQ, leading researchers to conclude that self discipline is the road to academic success. Throughout history, every man or woman who ever achieved anything lasting and worthwhile, has endured hours, weeks, months, even years of concentrated, disciplined work to get where they wanted to be.

Michael Jordan once said ” I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Self discipline means to get up when you fail and keep moving towards the finish line.

Fortunately, self discipline is a quality that can be learned through focus, determination and effort on the desired goal, or outcome. Through practice, it can be mastered and once it is, you will find so many other personal benefits. Self esteem and confidence will increase. You find that you have a feeling of personal power and achievement and feel happier in general about yourself. A natural high from the thrill of achievement will in turn have you striving to achieve even more. You will also gain the respect of the people around you. Try working that extra hour, making that last call, posting a few more ads or turning off evening TV to finish what didn’t get done throughout your work day.

Write down your goals on paper or make a vision board, and put them where you can see them every day. When you see and vision your goals on a daily basis, it will help bring out the will power and desire to follow through. Discipline is a habit. It takes 21 days to break a habit so don’t give up. The only way to really master it, is to practice.

Julie N. Lawrence

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I value your feedback and if you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share it. Make it a great day!

Health and Family

How Tooth Decay Can Affect Your Health

Good oral health is important for more reasons than self confidence and a beautiful smile.

 To date, scientists have found several links between periodontal (gum) disease and a number of other health problems, Although cause and effect is still being established, scientists believe that bacteria from decaying teeth enters the blood stream and targets other parts of the body causing various health problems, including:

Heart disease: Over the years, many studies have found a link between periodontal disease and heart disease. People who have gum disease are more likely to have poor heart health, including heart attacks.

Diabetes: People with diabetes are more likely to have gum disease than people without diabetes, due to inflammation.  Those with diabetes are also more likely to contract infections, including gum disease.

Dementia: Gum disease has been found to raise the risk of dementia later in life. Researchers also found that periodontal problems may be associated with milder cognitive impairment, such as memory problems that make daily activities more difficult. In a recent study, participants who had the worst gum disease, scored the worst on memory tests and calculations.

Cardiovascular Disease Some research has shown that diseases such as high blood pressure, clogged arteries and even stroke may be related to poor dental health. An English study tested 11,000 patients and researched teeth brushing to overall cardiovascular health. The research showed that those who brush less are at a 70 percent greater risk of heart disease.

Symptoms of periodontal disease include bad breath that won’t go away, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth, sensitive teeth, and receding gums.  According to the Center for Disease Control, most oral diseases are preventable.

Regular brushing and flossing combined with biannual dental visits, are the basis of a solid preventative care routine. Also, eating a balanced diet and reducing snacks between meals will keep plaque at bay between dental visits.  Although fear is often a factor for lack of regular dental care, many simply cannot afford the cost. To save money on your next dental visit, go to

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Make it a great day!

~ Julie Lawrence

Health and Family

How Discount Medical and Dental Plans Work

Discount plans are nationwide and becoming well known in the medical and dental field.  Many people love the fact that they pay only a small monthly fee to maintain a membership,  compared to  the large premiums that traditional insurance companies demand.  Everyone is accepted, regardless of health,  and with the exception of a three day grace period to utilize the hospital services, there is no waiting involved.  Sign today; use tomorrow.

Discount plans are easy to use and many companies will contract with an outside facility to offer higher discounts.  You simply locate a provider within your network, make an appointment, show your membership card, then pay the discounted fee to the provider at the time of service.  There are no co-pays, no deductibles and no limits. 

Provider fees can have significant discounts when you use a discount card.  For example, Ameriplan, located just outside of Dallas, TX has outstanding dental discounts, as well as medical.  A simple cleaning is reduced up to 80%, X-rays up to 65%, and fillings by up to 70%.  Cosmetic surgery is also included, and braces which are not covered by many insurance companies, are reduced up to 56%.  A significant savings when you look at the cost of braces.

Discount plans work for a variety of consumers, including people who are cannot get insurance due to pre-existing conditions, families who do not want to pay the high cost of insurance but need some form of coverage, people with high deductibles who often use discount cards in conjunction with insurance, and people who elect not to take on cobra after leaving a job. Many families have health insurance but no dental.  As Obamacare comes into effect, employers may end up dropping dental coverage as it is not required.  This leaves individuals with the option of paying full price for dental insurance, or decline, and pay full price for procedures.  Discount plans put care back in the hands of the consumer. You decide when, you decide who, you decide where.  Are you ready to take control of your health?

To see plans and locate providers in your area, go to or call 866-275-0928.

Working From Home

The NOW Factor

There is no mistaking the speed that defines our world today.  From drive through coffee shops, fast food restaurants and banks, to email via cell phones and web on the go.  There is almost an instant access to everything; but, Rome wasn’t built in a day and Donald Trump didn’t build his Empire in a few short weeks.  So why the misconception that Network Marketing should be any different?

Many times this is due to misleading ads which guarantee you will be making an outrageous amount of money within days.  However, the key to reaching this kind of income is simply consistency.  Keep working hard and you can guarantee with Network Marketing, you will gain the financial rewards you desire over time.  With the right company, this will usually take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years, depending on the time and effort put into the business.

Some of the key things to keep in mind are to always have five forms of advertising going at one time.  Try each form of advertising at least six times before you move on to try something else.  Make sure you’re advertising on the Internet daily, using the smaller Internet websites as well as the larger, more popular ones.  There are thousands of free websites you can take advantage of.

Social Networking is one of the most effective ways to get your message out these days.  People love to read good content and tips related to a similar business or career, are really appreciated, so blog about your expertise whatever that may be.  If you don’t have one, you can always research something related to your business, then write about it.

Julie Lawrence

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  I value your feedback.  If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share it.  Make it a great day!

Working From Home

What’s the difference between a Home Based Business and a j-o-b From Home?

So what is the difference between a Home Based Business (or opportunity) and a home based job? This is something many of us ask as we enter the early stages of looking for something to do from home.

The biggest question and I’m sure many of you have either wondered at some point if you are in the searching process, or heard it if you are already in the industry is: “why do I have to pay for a job?” You don’t!

A home based business is different to a job in many ways. There are unfortunately many scams out there, so the more knowledgeable you are going into your search, the less painful it will be for you.

Home Based Business:

This is something you own; it is yours to work as you choose. In most cases, you will pay a small fee to buy into the business, and take advantage of an established company, business plan and tools that are already conveniently in place for you.

Many charge a start up fee or a minimal monthly fee to maintain these tools, also known as your monthly overhead, which every business owner would come expect. As a business Owner, you will have the flexibility to work a schedule that is convenient for you, and you will be free to earn as much money as you want provided you put in the required effort.

Many people have the misconception that when you work from home, you can put in just an hour or two of work and make a full time income. In reality, this is what you are striving for, but it takes time and effort to get there. The benefits are being able to work your own schedule, not having to answer to anyone but yourself, decided when you want to take time off, how much money you want to earn and how secure your career will be in the future….no-one else can decide this for you when you own your business.

Most home based businesses work on a commission basis, so it is wise to have money set aside, or as in many cases, to start your home business part time and keep your job until you build up a steady income. Often, home based businesses offer a residual income program, so once you build up the business, you will continue to receive a paycheck, even on the days you don’t work.

A Home based J-O-B:

This is where you work for someone else as an employee. It is becoming increasingly popular for companies to employ people to work from home, however, you will still have a boss, a pre-determined income and a set amount of hours or schedule per week.

In many cases, the environment has to be completely quiet at certain times to take calls, so it is not always feasible if you have children around; you may still have some form of childcare expense. Often you will be required to invest in a second business line or a good set of headphones.

You may be eligible for a raise each year, but as in any job, it will be determined by your employer not you. If people are not looking to invest in a business, then they are most likely looking for a home based job not a home based opportunity. Entrepreneurialism is after all, not for everyone!

If you decide a home based job is for you, there are some good legitimate websites out there, but scams still slip through the cracks. Rule of thumb is to remember; you should never have to pay an employer any kind of money for a job.

Once the decision has been made to start a home based business, there are many factors to consider before deciding upon a company. What are your interests? What are you passionate about? Do you believe in the service or product? How long has the company been in business?
These are just a few of the questions you should be asking yourself. You want to find something that you can get excited about and that you believe in. These are important questions and will ultimately determine your success with your company, product or service.

Julie Nichols Lawrence

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I value your feedback and if you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share it. Make it a great day!

Working From Home

Why Network Marketing Works

bth_network-marketing-leads-300x225 In an era dominated by the Internet, Network Marketing is becoming the career of the future. As predicted by famed economist Paul Pilzer, there will be over ten million new millionaires by the year 2016, and most of them will come from online opportunities.

Network Marketing is now recognized as a real business and is even covered as a separate unit in the University of Illinois Business and Marketing degree.  It is widely used outside of the online entrepreneurialism industry, by huge corporations like Microsoft,   AT &T, IBM, Colgate, GM, Microsoft and more.

So why are individuals and companies leaning more and more towards incorporating this method of business?

Basically, it saves them on the huge costs of advertising, selling and managing.  Companies who employ people to work have to pay their employees an hourly rate or salary.  They also have to hire someone to do the employee training.  They need people to do their advertising, Reps to work in a sales call center, and managers to oversee each department.

On the other hand, because a Network Marketer works for himself, he (or she) is ready to do what it takes to succeed.  Network Marketing generally involves receiving a percentage based not only personal sales, but the people they recruit and a percentage of their sales too.  Making sure that each person who joins the business is trained thoroughly is beneficial to everyone, to ensure top production down the line.

Companies can consequently cut costs in half while the entrepreneurs do the work, including the majority of advertising, sales and training.  As well as saving companies money and time, it also creates a wealth of opportunities for people to branch out into the world of self employment.

The number one reason people fail at Network Marketing is not because the business doesn’t work.  It’s because people claim they don’t have the time or money to get started.

If you thought that within 3 – 5 years, if you worked consistently for a few hours each day, that you just might become a millionaire; do you think you would you find the time??


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  I’d love to see your comments and if you found this blog useful, sharing it is much appreciated. 

   Make it a great one!!!

Julie N. Lawrence