Working From Home

Why Network Marketing Works

bth_network-marketing-leads-300x225 In an era dominated by the Internet, Network Marketing is becoming the career of the future. As predicted by famed economist Paul Pilzer, there will be over ten million new millionaires by the year 2016, and most of them will come from online opportunities.

Network Marketing is now recognized as a real business and is even covered as a separate unit in the University of Illinois Business and Marketing degree.  It is widely used outside of the online entrepreneurialism industry, by huge corporations like Microsoft,   AT &T, IBM, Colgate, GM, Microsoft and more.

So why are individuals and companies leaning more and more towards incorporating this method of business?

Basically, it saves them on the huge costs of advertising, selling and managing.  Companies who employ people to work have to pay their employees an hourly rate or salary.  They also have to hire someone to do the employee training.  They need people to do their advertising, Reps to work in a sales call center, and managers to oversee each department.

On the other hand, because a Network Marketer works for himself, he (or she) is ready to do what it takes to succeed.  Network Marketing generally involves receiving a percentage based not only personal sales, but the people they recruit and a percentage of their sales too.  Making sure that each person who joins the business is trained thoroughly is beneficial to everyone, to ensure top production down the line.

Companies can consequently cut costs in half while the entrepreneurs do the work, including the majority of advertising, sales and training.  As well as saving companies money and time, it also creates a wealth of opportunities for people to branch out into the world of self employment.

The number one reason people fail at Network Marketing is not because the business doesn’t work.  It’s because people claim they don’t have the time or money to get started.

If you thought that within 3 – 5 years, if you worked consistently for a few hours each day, that you just might become a millionaire; do you think you would you find the time??


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  I’d love to see your comments and if you found this blog useful, sharing it is much appreciated. 

   Make it a great one!!!

Julie N. Lawrence