Personal Development and Inspirations, Working From Home

Being Productive With Your Time

It’s hard to stay organized when you’re juggling so many things at once, as many of us do. So if you’re venturing into a home business, as well as working a j-o-b and taking care of a family, it can be a bit overwhelming to say the least. 

With a little organization and dedication, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your work day:

1.  Make a schedule and stick to it.  If you fall behind one day, don’t worry.  Things do come up. Try to make up time the following day or later that week. 

2. Setting goals are a great way to motivate yourself.  Be realistic and revise them as needed.  Make sure you have daily, short term and long-term goals to keep you on track, and put them where you will see them every day.

3. Keep your desk tidy.  When my desk is a mess, I want to be as far away from it as possible, which is definitely not good for business.  It also makes your workspace so much more inviting when you’re ready to start the following day.

4. Always carry a bag of promotional material with you.  As you go about your daily errands, leave business cards, flyers and sticky notes concerning your business around town.  People often hold on to these things for a while, so don’t be disheartened if the phone isn’t ringing immediately.  Be consistent!

5. If you have young children, encourage them to pick up their toys or make their own beds etc.  A great way to do this is by using positive reinforcement.  Try reward charts or a trip to the dollar store, etc. This will give you more time to do the things you need to do. You can also get them involved in helping you with small tasks related to your business. Be creative!

6. Return emails and place ads whenever you have a few minutes to spare.  With the copy and paste feature, most only take a few minutes at a time.

7. Send a quick note to a customer or business partner, or jump on a networking site and socialize.

8. Listen to a training call while you’re printing out materials.

9.  Do a little networking while you’re in line at the grocery store, soccer game or just waiting for  your lunch order.  It’s a great way to build your business locally.

10. Return a few phone calls.  Most only take a few minutes. And most importantly, have fun with your business.

Julie N. Lawrence

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